Aluminum shot/cut wire shot
Aluminum cut-wire shot (Aluminum Shot) is available in mixed aluminum grades (4043, 5053) as well as alloy grades such as type 5356. Our mixed grades yield middle B range (Approximately 40) Rockwell hardness while type 5356 will yield high Rockwell B hardness in the 50 to 70 range.
Red Copper shot/copper cut wire shot
1. Removes flash up to 0.20″ from die castings without damaging the surface
Reduces wear and tear on blast equipment
Removes paint and other coatings without damaging the surface of the part
Thin film of zinc is deposited on steel parts during cycle providing short-term rust protection -
Zinc shot/Zinc cut wire shot
We offer a qualitative range of Zinc Cut Wire Shots. Available at competent rates, our products reduce wear and tear on blast equipment. These Zinc cut wire shots are softer than stainless steel cut wire or cast products. Zinc cut wire shot is available in different sizes.