Carburizers(Carbon raisers)
Carburizer, also known as carburizing agent or carburant, is a additive in steelmaking or casting to increase the carbon content. Carburizers are used for refining steel Carburizers and cast iron Carburizers, as well as other additives to Carburizers, such as brake pad additives, as friction materia
Ferro silicon barium inoculant is a kind of FeSi-based alloy containing certain amount of barium and calcium, it can remarkably reduce the chill phenomenon, generating very little residue. Therefore, Ferro silicon barium inoculant is more effective than the inoculant that only contain calcium, in ad
Nodulizer is an addictive that can promote the forming of spheroidal graphite from graphite pieces in the production processes. It can foster spheroidal graphites and increase the number of spheroidal graphites so that their mechanical properties are improved. As a result, the ductility and toughnes
Ferro silicon strontium nucleating agent is a kind of FeSi-based alloy containing certain amount of barium and calcium, it can remarkably reduce the chill phenomenon, generating very little residue. Therefore, Ferro silicon barium inoculant is more effective than the inoculant that only contain calc
Silicon Calcium Deoxidizer is composed of the elements of silicon, calcium and iron, is an ideal compound deoxidizer, desulfurization agent. It is widely used in high quality steel, low carbon steel, stainless steel production and nickel base alloy, titanium alloy and other special alloy production.
Magnesium-Silicon (MgSi)
Ferro silicon magnesium Nodulizer is remelting alloy composing of rare earth, magnesium, silicon and calcium. Ferro silicon magnesium nodulizer is an excellent nodulizer with strong effect of deoxidation and desulfurization. Ferrosilicon, Ce+La mish metal or rare earth ferrosilicon and magnesium are